Google unnatural links Letter Simple Fix after 200 hrs of research here is the answer to the question, what is the “Google unnatural links” Letter finally!
The first thing you think is “This unnatural links letter Sucks”……for anyone who received the letter from Google about “unnatural links” here is the fix for it plain and simple!
Studying the “unnatural links SOLUTIONS” letter after i received a email from a frantic potential new client “whats the Fix For This?” sent by Google to this frantic potential new client in Google Webmaster Tools, i decided to dig around the Google Webmaster forums and other reputable sources to read up on how to solve this problem.
The biggest question is: What are considered unnatural links or bad link building practices?
Here it is in a nutshell to make it simple to understand (even if your not-a-geek).
First, Google doesn’t tell you what they really want for linkbacks! they give you HINTS…… 🙂
You basically have no idea and have to guess…you will need to read through all the garbage written about this potential problem by some (“down the street joe’s information on how to solve this problem”) and come up with your own solution.
And Then there is World Web Design who has spent 200+ hours researching this Google warning;
If you received this unnatural links letter i would suggest (due to many years of reading webmaster tips) doing the following procedure to rectify this.
First watch this video from Matt Cutts!
Second: Watch the video again… 🙂
You may ask…why is Google doing this to the little guy?
Google is doing this for the following reasons:
1. To Increase Google Ad Sense revenues
2. To Drive traffic to Google+ to “outdo Facebook and twitter”
3. Google would rather have huge corporations spend tons of money with Ad Sense rather than with little SEO companies too stupid to comply (95% of them).
You may say “this is Lame” and yes, i agree, but this is whats happening and as usual, the little guy takes the blunt of the Vipers strike, and then there is the little guy with the solution to the problem.
As stated in the video above explaining “What are some effective techniques for building links? ” question, he goes on to explain, “links are fine but if done in a proper way”.
Here is the proper way to “Link Back”:
(Links that are surrounded by fresh content “Like this article” and have a rel=”nofollow” tag on every outbound link and a generic “alttag” as well as a url shortener)
Will still have the functionality of the original purpose but avoid the “unnatural links” penalty and FREE YOU OF THIS BAD GOOGLE LETTER!
This is the fix people!
So…Whats the proper way to links in laymen terms?
here is an example of a Google Friendly Link:
Lets say i wanted to post this article on a blogger website (to gain a link back to this article for reference) and link back to the original content without getting penalized by Google.
Simple solution: You would comment on the original materiel on this post and provide a linkback that looks like this below:
I have read this article on “How to eliminate unnatural links” and i find it very informative pertaining to the new April, 2012 Google’s Panda new algorithms. Click below for a link to the article.
you may say…“Yeah Baby I found the solution to this problem”
And your right you did…REMEMBER, i gathered this information spending hundreds of hours reading Google webmasters forum responses around the world testing different scenarios on my own and solutions dealing with this warning from Google Webmaster Tools
Now…follow the instructions in this simple to follow article and you will survive this.
Still don’t understand this? Contact us for a complete website evaluation, consultation and solution
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