World SEO Search Engine Optimization Specialist

Bohol SEO Search Engine Optimization Specialist

Bohol SEO – Search Engine Optimization Specialist.


Searching for a specialist in Search Engine Optimization? With an Search Engine
Optimization Specialist on your team, your on your way towards top organic search

SEO is the process of configuring a website so that it has a chance to show
up in a search result for a particular phrase.

(SEO) Optimization for search engines:

Professional Search engine optimization services, (SEO) specialist – this what
you are looking for right? someone that can get your website to the top of the
rankings. With an SEO specialist on your team, you’re taking the first smart
step towards top organic search listings.

So What is SEO?
SEO(search engine optimization) is the process in which your website undergoes
redevelopment to more effectively communicate your keywords to search engines.
Optimizing your website enables it to rank higher on major search engines.
Search engines rank websites based on two major factors: unique content
that contains pertinent keywords, and link popularity – the number of quality
incoming links to your website. Other important factors that determine your
ranking with search engines are the architecture of the site, the visibility
of your content, its underlying code and how natural your site appears to
the engines. We are Experts in Search Engine Marketing ,Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) if your Looking for Search Engine Results then we are your long-term
solution to ever-increasing traffic from Organic Search Engine results.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving
the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via
“natural” (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Typically, the higher
a site’s “page rank” (i.e, the earlier it comes in the search results list),
the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO can also target
different kinds of searches, including image searches, local searches, and
industry-specific vertical search engines. SEO is the best Internet
marketing strategy apposed to pay-per-click advertising
SEO considers
how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website
primarily involves editing its content and HTML coding to both increase
its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing
activities of search engines. Before we ever start developing a web site
for you, you have to understand at least the basics of SEO and how it all
fits into the design. This is why we added this page to our website in hopes
you will learn more about SEO and about us designing your site in a way
that gives your site an advantage for receiving free and in some cases a
dramatic amount of traffic. The number one thing to consider when
it comes to SEO is researching keywords relevant to your site.

The keywords you research should be based on high usage, low competition
and relevancy to your niche market. Once we research and select
the proper keywords, we can then begin the development of your site.

Keywords are a critical aspect of the web designing. The keywords we choose
will be applied within the web design in a strategic way to increase the
flow of traffic to your site with the use of good SEO practices. To understand
more about SEO you should research and learn more about this important subject.
If we didn’t understand about SEO, our website wouldn’t be found and our
business would not succeed and you wouldn’t be reading this SEO Article
right now.

Search Engine Marketing is growing at a rapid rate

Now people are actually paying for virtual items online, approx. 1 billion
each year! That means people are actually spending REAL money on “things”
that have no tangible substance! As Search Engine Marketers, our jobs are
to optimize clients advertising to maximize revenue with minimal spend.
We need to be able to adapt to the market and adjust. Search Engine Marketing
is the Acquisition of New Customers that has a proven ROI (Return on Investment),
that is low risk to make the sales force efficient. In 2002, 9% of Marketing
Budgets were allocated to Search and by 2006 that number increased 750%
This shows the importance of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and it’s force
in the world of business.

It is essential you choose a partner like Bohol Web Design for your Web
Site Development project who understands the world of online marketing.
A recent new client of ours spent a sizeable sum with another Web development
company only to find out a few months later their site was totally useless for
(SEO) search engine optimization. Our developers made structural changes to
their site, researched relevant keywords using live internet data, then optimized
to achieve first to third page rankings for their targeted keywords in search
engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN.

What’s the point of an amazing looking website that no one can find?

Tomorrow’s successful marketers will learn how to be found instead of shouting
at people through pop-ups and obnoxious ads. They’ll know more about people
and what makes them tick. They’ll be the ones who can better plan a customer’s
interaction with their company and products, giving them the information and
resolve they need to move through every step of the buying process. And they’ll
plan marketing scenarios rather than today’s buy-and-blast approach.

The question for many is….

“How do I find a qualified SEO specialist in Bohol?”Well,
with so many shady characters in the search engine optimization field it can
be quite difficult to tell the good from the bad. In order to find a qualified
and reputable SEO specialist, you can do a search if you know the specialist’s
name. For instance, if you do a Google or Yahoo search for “Bohol
Web Design
” you’ll find all of my websites are on the first second and third
page!. That’s where we ware different from other web designers claiming they
can get you on top of the search engines we actually prove it to our customers!

seo-website-web seoA
Bohol Philippines (SEO) Specialist:

Search engine optimization Explained

Bohol Philippines SEO Explained

SEO is the process of configuring a website so that it has a chance to show
up in a search result for a particular phrase.

When talking to clients about marketing their business online I am asked
“How do you get to #1 on Google?”

While this article is not specially about how to become #1 – I will explain
what the process is and what’s involved.

First – do a Google search here for “Search
engine optimization Explained

This PAGE should show up on the first second or third page. If it does then
then this is an SEO “Search engine optimization” friendly PAGE.

Despite our widespread acceptance and use of the internet –

I am always surprised by how many people really have no idea what SEO

(search engine optimization) is about.

They instinctively know WHY they like to click on that first listing in the
natural results; but they don’t have the first clue HOW it got there.

Making matters worse is the fact that the internet world is largely unregulated
and still being figured out – so it seems that everyone has their own “best
practice” and definitions of things like SEO.

I usually tell clients that their intuitive feeling of WHY they trust that
first listing is that – simply put – it’s the best result for the phrase you
type in. People seem to understand that. However most people don’t really understand
why one site would be better than another so here goes with a layman’s explanation…

What is SEO, really?

SEO is the process of configuring a website so that it has a chance to show
up in a search result for a particular phrase. In other words it is our way
of telling Google, Yahoo, or MSN what we think our site is about. Many of the
search engines have a slightly different formula for how they determine these
results. But the short version is that they look at different factors of each
website page, rank them and then give those results to you.
Why is SEO Important?
One word sums it up – competition. Depending on what study you read, there are
as many as 20 billion web pages being indexed at any given time. The major search
engines do their best to go through these pages and catalog them so that they
can tell you about it if you use their website to search. With so many website
pages out there competing for similar phrases it is absolutely critical to make
sure you are using every tool at your disposal to make sure your customers can
find you when they are looking.

OK, So What Should I Be Doing for SEO On My Site?

The good news is that doing SEO correctly is not complicated. The bad news is
that it is time consuming and requires close attention in order to maintain
results. Our advice is to ethically follow these simple guidelines for best
long-term results:

Good site structure – as simple as this sounds many people
overlook this. Every day we see sites with heavy flash animation, dated frame
designs, pages that don’t work and broken links. The bottom line is that if
you can’t easily navigate a site without problems chances are the search engines
can’t either. And if a search engine can’t go through your site you have absolutely
no chance of showing up for a key phrase – no matter how pretty the flash.

Good meta-data – Clients often draw a blank with this one.
Meta-data is geek-speak for the page titles, page descriptions and keywords
that you enter for each page. Each page on your website should have a unique
title and description that summarizes what that page is about.

The 2nd problem is spam.

Putting in a page title or description that does not accurately match what the
page is about is considered “spamming” a search engine. Doing this will get
your page thrown out of the index and ruin any chance of showing up for a key

Relevant content – People seem to understand that good content
is really what they are looking for when they search for something. By
“relevant” we mean that the content is specific to the topic
in question and recently updated. More and more we are seeing sites that have
regular updates or blogs showing up higher in the search results than sites
which have larger quantities of older, “stale” content on them.

Our recommendation is to add well-written, grammatically

correct and spell-checked content to your website
on a regular basis.

This ensures that, over time

your site will become a “resource” to those looking
for phrases related to your business.

Responsible link building

This is perhaps the least understood part of SEO.
In a nutshell search engines consider a link from another website to your website
as a popularity vote. Think of it as power rankings for websites.

In general the more sites which link to yours, the better; as this shows your
site is relevant to the given topic.
Sadly though link building, like keywords and meta-data, have been abused by
many site owners with schemes such as link farms where sites are setup simply
to house links to other sites. We encourage careful and responsible link building
with sites that are related to yours or through appropriate directories and
article banks.

So there you have it – SEO explained

Like most things it’s not really that hard but it requires discipline which
is where most people get off track. If you would like help with SEO for your
website, or other online business needs we would love to hear from you.